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halign="middle"> <CENTER> <SCRIPT type=text/javascript>
<!-- This script and many more are available free online at
--> <!-- The JavaScript Source!! http://javascript.internet.com
--> <!--//Begin monthnames = new
Array( "Január", "Február", "Marcius", "Aprilis", "Május", "Június", "Július", "Augusztus", "Szeptember", "Oktober", "November", "December"); var
linkcount=0; function addlink(month, day, href) { var entry = new
Array(3); entry[0] = month; entry[1] = day; entry[2] =
href; this[linkcount++] = entry; } Array.prototype.addlink =
addlink; linkdays = new Array(); monthdays = new
Array(12); monthdays[0]=31; monthdays[1]=28; monthdays[2]=31; monthdays[3]=30; monthdays[4]=31; monthdays[5]=30; monthdays[6]=31; monthdays[7]=31; monthdays[8]=30; monthdays[9]=31; monthdays[10]=30; monthdays[11]=31; todayDate=new
Date(); thisday=todayDate.getDay(); thismonth=todayDate.getMonth(); thisdate=todayDate.getDate(); thisyear=todayDate.getYear(); thisyear
= thisyear % 100; thisyear = ((thisyear < 50) ? (2000 + thisyear) : (1900
+ thisyear)); if (((thisyear % 4 == 0) && !(thisyear % 100 ==
0)) ||(thisyear % 400 == 0))
monthdays[1]++; startspaces=thisdate; while (startspaces > 7)
startspaces-=7; startspaces = thisday - startspaces + 1; if (startspaces
< 0) startspaces+=7; document.write("<FONT
face='tahoma'>");<!--Font Face--> document.write("<table border=0
" );<!--Border size--> document.write("style='font-size : 9.5px; color
: #000000;' cellpadding=0 cellspacing=1>");<!--Border color, font size,
cell padding, cellspacing and font color-->
document.write("<tr><td colspan=7><center>"
+ monthnames[thismonth] + " " + thisyear +
"</center></td></tr>"); document.write("<tr>"); document.write("<td
align=center><font color=#ff9900>V</td>");<!--The color here
and below are for each week day--> document.write("<td
color=#ff9900>H</td>"); document.write("<td
color=#ff9900>K</td>") document.write("<td
color=#ff9900>Sz</td>"); document.write("<td
color=#ff9900>Cs</td>"); document.write("<td
color=#ff9900>P</td>"); document.write("<td
align=center><font color=#ff9900>Sz</td>");<!--Last color
here--> document.write("</tr>"); document.write("<tr>"); for
{ document.write("<td>-</td>"); } count=1; while (count
<= monthdays[thismonth]) { for (b = startspaces;b<7;b++)
{ linktrue=false; document.write("<td>"); for
(c=0;c<linkdays.length;c++) { if (linkdays[c] != null) { if
((linkdays[c][0]==thismonth + 1) && (linkdays[c][1]==count))
{ document.write("<a href=\"" + linkdays[c][2] +
"\">"); linktrue=true; } } } if (count==thisdate)
{ document.write("<font color='#ff0000'>");<!--todays date
color--> } if (count <= monthdays[thismonth])
{ document.write(count); } else { document.write(" "); } if
(count==thisdate) { document.write("</font>"); } if
(linktrue) document.write("</a>"); document.write("</td>"); count++; } document.write("</tr>"); document.write("<tr>"); startspaces=0; } document.write("</table>"); document.write("</FONT>"); </SCRIPT> <CENTER><font
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